SharmPRO is based in Sharm el Sheikh, Sinai, Egypt. We combine the growing demand on information through the internet with the local environment. The Sinai is connected since 1996 to the internet and has in this time gone through, like all the industry, huge developments. In the meantime ASDL and WIFI are available in almost all coffee shops.
People are, for private or business reasons, found with there laptop checking the business emails, chatting with friends, buying online goods or just surf through the wide range of products offered.
We serve the local market with custom made web solutions, online advertisement, web applications and all kind of software services.
Working for the computer industry since more than 20 years, we are surprised about the many “specialists” in the area. Yes, it is easy to create a basic website, but consider that your website is the image of your company. Big companies employ full teams of webmasters, to maintain their professional look. So, invest in a professional site.